To get the maximum reduced image size while maintaining quality, we recommend using, first the resize option and then the compress option. Other tools are also available.

Frequently asked Questions of HandyIMG

Frequently asked question of HandyIMG web app.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked question of HandyIMG

Does my image quality reduce after editing?

HandyIMG was created with sophisticated algorithms. It makes sure your image/images quality remains the same with no loss of pixel.

How fast is the editing process?

Speed was one of our goals, with our software and servers optimizes for speed, you will get the final product of your work in no time. However, if you get in a situation of low speed, please check your internet connection, because that might be the cause.

Do you need to open an account to get started?

No, you don’t need to open an account to get started. As we said, speed and ease were one of our goals. We want our users to be able to easily edit their images quickly.

How safe are the files that I uploaded?

All files are removed from our servers a few hours after a user finishes editing them

Security of your files?

This is a concern we know. Your files are all saved and never at risk because we totally wipe all files a few hours after you are done editing.

What kind of browsers are best for using your software?

Any decent browser will be good to use our software, but some highly recommended are chrome, internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, and so on.

How many images can I upload at once?

Our software was designed for users to be able to upload bulk images. You can upload up to 100 images at once.

How can I contact you if I need help?

If you ever need assistance, you can contact us through the contact form link.